Expired: When you do not make payment to this order within 48 hours,order will change to this status
Canceled: When your cancel action was accepted by us, order will change to this status
Unpay: You not make payment to this order,you should do it whithin 48 hours
Paid: You made payment to the order
Purchased: Item was purchased and preparing from seller
Partial Arrive: Part of goods arrived China Guangzhou warehouse
Arrived: Goods arrived China Guangzhou warehouse and ready to delivery
Unpay Shipping: Parcel submitted. You need to finish payment within 30 days
Paid Shipping: The shipping fee is paid
Shipped: The item has been sent out
Confirmed: You have received the parcel
Finished: The item has been delivered to you and you have evaluated this service
Destruction: When your order has been stocked overdued more than 30 days, order will change to this status.